Our Process


Clients comfort level is of utmost importance.


Integrity with all clients and cases. Integrity of the soul.


We are results driven in everything we do.


Staying centered in your results yields transformation.

When the mind-body-spirt are in conflict, we cannot find internal peace or resolve. We’re just too distracted to move forward or solve problems or create the peaceful positive results we seek.

The CIRC process at Enlightened Pathways will guide you to align your mind-body-spirit connection and create a balanced whole. By applying these principles to every client, at every session, Enlightened Pathways helps you find the strength and power within yourself to achieve your goals.

In addition to CIRC, Enlightened Pathways has relationships with other heart-centered healers including eastern medical and homeopathic practitioners, massage therapists, and meditation guides. Every client is unique and every situation calls for different solutions.

Melissa Watts says, “Our goal is to help you find peace and balance; to quiet your mind, awaken your body, and calm your spirit. It’s all about working together: Enlightened Pathways and your mind-body-spirit. No issue is too great, and there is no judgment, just transformation.”